Saturday, April 19, 2008

Inventing the Boundaries...

David Warlick, a pre-conference speaker form Raleigh, NC in a 30 year educator with quite a bit to share.  His energy has taken me from a "woe is me" to a "get up and get going" about Info - Savvy students utilizing their new Informational Landscape and tying it into their unpredictable Information futures.  David meets up with Bill McGrath and begins with a podcast about his association with thinkquests.  Please take a look for a piece by a Harry from Ghana... who walks 9 miles just to get to an Internet cafe to post his work... the founding agency for these thinkquests goes to the Oracle Education Foundation.

Contests are held each year and you can become a judge of the web-sites, created by students. A rubric exists that we could all use in our classrooms.  Please go and explore!



Passionateteach said...

Torchgirl! So much to explore, so little time. I forget all of the old wonderful sites I have found once upon a time.. and I have yet to reexamine. Instead of going back to the original sites I uncovered once, thought were wonderful, posted them to my diigo and delicious, I just keep uncovering new sites! :) Will I ever learn? Thanks for sharing. I am glad you did different sessions than what I chose!

shegstrom said...

I absolutely loved it. A great post with a lot of great links, I love the analogy about children having tentacles, as they truly are moving and receiving information from so many directions that it is hard to contain them it all it the classroom walls. I think this quote says it the best "and we chop their tentacles off…

…because we want our children to be the students we want to teach,
rather than teaching the children that they are. "
Thank for your opening my mind as always and sharing such great resources.