Friday, March 14, 2008

School 2.0

Take a look at a list of synonyms for the subheadings of this site. I think translating them to the traditional school will help me to understand the future. Here is a list I created; knowledge, education, wisdom, network, system, management, control, direction, assets, property, means, likeness, instrument, device, means, schemer, plotter, conspirator, alteration, change, renovation.

Each one of these terms exists in today's school and communities. Some terms are positive, some describe elements in each of our buildings, and with most of them, comes a means to reach School 2.0.

Utopia comes to my mind when I read how things should work in today's classrooms. An 85 year old American sat in rows, in desks, with recess, snack and so on when they were in middle schools and things haven't changed very much. I wonder why it's taken so long to move towards a change?

Sure, we have new tools, however I believe many educators are fearful of using them. For some reason it's okay to say, "I'm not a technie, I'm not good with computers..." Overall I think it's because traditional educators feel they must know it all. Traditional educators want to to be in control, and on top of things. The role of facilitator in a learning environment is too outside their comfort zones. It isn't a new reading methodology that some might say "it's just like _____ with a new name". This is different and they're not sure how to change their traditional roles.

In order to figure out how this could work, we can look at items that in fact aren't new at all. Communication, Collaboration, Content, Assessment and Evaluation and Creation. Today's teachers know how to do all of these things. The leap to doing it using today's technologies is difficult.

Perhaps we should just use synonyms?

1 comment:

shegstrom said...

Utopia it would be indeed. You are correct, we already see many of the terms in the subtitles, but I believe that as we move toward a paperless environment, School 2.0 which looks on online collaboration between all parties will be the true utopia. A very interesting post. You helped me look at School 2.0 with a different perspective.