Friday, March 28, 2008

Social Bookmarking

I didn't know about Ning, thanks to Jeff's blog, I discovered it and have spent several hours "getting it" The entire site reinforces the power of Social Bookmarking. In fact, it reinforces to me, what comes around, goes around.

A bit ago, okay, in 1985, I was a Training Manager at a computer company. We made sw and hw for the trucking industry. The guys out back (programmers) were at best, cigar smoking, geniuses. In fact, one never came in. I think he lived at the Cape, something about a sailboat comes to mind. In my mind I imagined this coder as a bow-tie, spectacle wearing nerd. I had called him in the past and asked about him fixing something that apparently was something related to the look and feel of the software. He told me to check out the cosmetic counter at Macy's! Just a bit longer with this one... One day, I smelled cigar smoke when I came in from lunch. Mystery solved I thought, I went looking for this guru and who did I see? a pony tailed wizard wearing moccasins.

Not everything is what it appears to be. I thought Social Bookmarking only related to those Facebook, and Myspace accounts. Looking deeper into NING, they move beyond that. The site reinforces what I did and didn't understand from Richardson. We have the power now to contribute (without being a coder), and collaborate with everyone.

I'm moving beyond the "I've got to fix it" stage in education. I no longer feel that there are just a few of us Specialists out there, and I should try to fix them. I truly would recommend Richardson's book (although if you check out
1 others are not so enamored.

For now, I'm headed to the "Flat Classroom" to try this out... I hope you can do the same.

I'm listing the sites I've visted, because I haven't quite figured out even if I add them into the text, how to make them show up.


shegstrom said...

What's this ning thing? :) I've got my blogs my wikis, and my widgets and my flickr, so why do I need ning? I'm serious. Is it just another network or an important part of your network?

I love the flatroom project too. Very Cool stuff.

Jeff said...

Great use of labels. Remember to put , between them otherwise they become one big label. :)

@shegstrom Ning is a custom made social network. You can create your own Facebook type site for any subject or class. Check out a great place to meet and share ideas with other educational technology people from around the world!